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EuroCucina 2024 - novelties and trends*

Aran cucine 

This April again Salone del Mobile confirmed its role as the most significant event in the field of interior design, but the focus was on EuroCucina/FTK Biennale, Kitchen Technologies and the International Bathroom Exhibition. Every second year, designers and manufacturers of kitchens and bathrooms from all over the world present their new products and visions for the development of the respective sectors and get the opportunity to build new business relationships and exchange ideas.

Milan Design Week serves as a springboard for design trends that will resonate throughout the year.

And this year was no exception - on the contrary, the organizers of the fair noted with satisfaction that it has regained its pre-pandemic level. Attendance increased by over 20% compared to 2023, and there were over 1,950 exhibitors from 35 countries.

More than 100 brands from all over the world presented the latest ideas and technologies for one of the symbolic places of the home environment - the kitchen. It continues to be not only a place for cooking, but also for socializing. And while the island configuration is the most concrete expression of this trend connecting the kitchen with the living room, new models now emphasize the social role our kitchens play by introducing other elements and accessories, from open bookshelves to interchangeable modules. And the small niche under the countertop of the CUCINAnD'O model by ARAN Cucine is a very convenient place to put our permanent accessory - the mobile phone.

Blu mediterraneo 

Sumptuous kitchen islands with different shapes and undulating curves, huge stainless steel modules, dark colored wood veneer and translucent stones with LEDs attract everyone's attention.

Kitchen island made of natural stone from Häcker Kitchens, Photo Häcker Küchen

The other trend that started years ago and is now becoming more and more noticeable is the use of different materials and textures that replace smooth surfaces. We need tactile stimulation, to be able to touch materials, to take us from the abstract dimension of the thousands of pictures we see every day to something physical and concrete.


*This is translation of a part of my article about Kitchen trends from this year's edition of Eurocucina



"Like movie directors, designers are the keepers of the vision and build the interdisciplinary teams that are needed to achieve it”

Paola Antonelli

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