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Showing posts with the label articles

My home is my fortress, my office, my gym ...*

 Undoubtedly, 2020 will go down in history as the year in which (almost) we all moved our workplace home. The world we live in, and with it the world of design, is changing at a dizzying rate. And all together we are trying to catch up with the changes, each one in his own way. We learn to live mostly online, while rediscovering some abandoned ways of communicating, such as walking and long phone conversations or communicating in a very small circle. In recent months, we had also to get used to an unexpected development of one of the major global trends - from living in a globalized to living in a local, microworld. With periods of forced closure, our home has become a refuge from the uncertain world outside and a stage for all activities in everyday life. It is no longer a place to cross, but a "base camp". We have learned to appreciate again the importance of the home environment, the yard, the balcony and the garden. And we quickly had to think about what we like in our ho...


Тя отдавна вече не е нова за България, но очевидно все още има нужда да се обяснява какво точно прави интериорният дизайнер и защо всеки клиент би имал полза от неговата помощ. И каква е разликата между интериорния дизайнер и декоратора, например. По-долу ще видите международно приетото описание на професията интериорен дизайнер и отговор на всички тези въпроси. Статията съм я писала преди повече от 15 години и за пръв път излезе в трети брой на списанието ДМТ от 2000 година ! По-късно започнах да намирам цитирани и нецитирани извадки и копия на тази статия в различни сайтове и блогове - явно темата все още е актуална и затова копирам публикацията си и тук: Необходима ли е професията дизайнер Теменужка Захариева*   Дефиниция на професията дизайнер на интериора, приета от Международната федерация на дизайнерите на интериор през 1983 г.: “Професионалният дизайнер на интериор е човек, квалифициран чрез образование, опит и признати умения, който: ▪ идентифицира, проучва и ...

Fotofabrika Festival - A Review of Sofia's international photography festival*

‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ – you may say that this is a time-worn adage, but a visit to the exhibitions of  Fotofabrika  will let you remember it and will convince you that photos are really worth a thousand words. They tell stories, stir emotions, make us think of people’s tragedies, they are evidence of the transitional processes taking place all over the world. Fotofabrika Festival  is an international photography festival held in Sofia, Bulgaria, each fall. Last year in its first edition  Fotofabrika showed  the protesting man . Accent in this second edition are refugees and socially excluded people. Photographs from around the world direct public attention to the people we do not notice in our everyday life or do not see them –  the marginal people. Solo Exhibition by Maria Milkova, Grand Prix winner of last year's Documentary Photography Contest The Street: States and Conditions “Those, who are different.We look at the...

Set design and Interior design

Az interior designer I have always had deep interest, passion for set design and inevitabley, when looking at the screen I am checking the set design and all the design details. Below is one of my early articles on set design , published on the site of Rhodec International where I studied interior design: Furniture as Movie Star Copyright: "The real star of this film is the look, the exuberant set design" Reading this sentence in a film review about 2004's  Down with Love  (which I very much agree with) made me think of the importance of set design and especially of the furniture used there. It can be very interesting, especially for us as students of ID, to follow these famous pieces of furniture that undeniably evoke certain periods and styles and for this reason are the main components of set designs. Set design is arguably the more exciting version of interior design: the task is much more clearly stated; the period most often ...


"Like movie directors, designers are the keepers of the vision and build the interdisciplinary teams that are needed to achieve it”

Paola Antonelli