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Showing posts with the label great designers

Седмицата на дизайна в Милано

* Статията ми в Още за къщата Колекция на Louis Vuitton-дизайн на André Fu - Ribbon Dance И тази година в началото на месец април Седмицата на дизайна в Милано събра  дизайнери, журналисти,  търговци, производители и любители на добрия дизайн, за да покаже какви са най-новите постижения в света на интериора, какви са новите идеи и тенденции,  акцентите, които ще определят до голяма степен през следващите месеци пазара на мебели и продукти за интериора. Отбеляза се отново нарастване на обема на посетителите, които тази година са малко под половин милион, включително и осезаемо азиатско присъствие. Сервизите за чай на Bethan Gray Bucinmod Design Collection - Румъния,  снимки: автора   Патриция Уркиола за Budri Впечатленията са за подчертана многоцветност – освен че не намалява влиянието на розовото във всякакви оттенъци, в продуктите силно присъстват и жълто, оранжево, зелено, синьо. Забелязва се силното влияние на италианския дизайн от 80-те...

The Story of the Tip Ton Chair*

*This is a copy of my article published earlier on D o you know what 'dynamic seating' means? It's what the Tip Ton chair offers. Its kinked bottom rail allows you to tilt it forward nine degrees and shift positions back and forth. Great news for your inner child, right! Indeed, the Tip Ton was originally conceived as a school chair by British design duo Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby for Swiss furniture manufacturer Vitra. Weighing only 4,5kg, it is made from polypropylene, a low-cost plastic that is 100% recyclable. It is stackable and makes very little noise when moved around. With so many requirements, it took more than two years of reserch and experiments to come to the final design. Ed Barber and Jay Osgerby in their London studio. Ed is sitting on two Tip Tons. Photo by Felix Friedmann The chair’s name hides a double reference. Of course, it hints at the characteristic dual seating experience, but it also refers to Tipton, a city of arou...

Interview with Luca Nichetto

Italian designer Luca Nichetto was one of the rising stars at Milan Design Week 2013 participating with numerious new products and projects. My interview with him and the story of his Stewie unusual lamp is available at Clippings . Here below is a small part of the article: "Q: You have a design firm in Italy and another office in Stockholm, Sweden. How does this affect your work? A: In Nordic countries function is the most important thing. In Italy we've lost that over the last decade and focused much more on style and emotion. One of the themes of my work is finding the right combination of both. Q: Was Stewie part of the concept from the very beginning of the project? Did Foscarini include him in the brief for the lamp? A: I received a brief from Foscarini to do a floor lamp and normally it is developed vertically. My idea was to slightly change this perception of the floor lamp as a vertical object. And the most interesting horizontal light source in our history is the...

Впечатленията на К. Грчич от Sofia Design Week

Това е интервюто,което г-н Грчич беше така любезен да ми даде по време на Sofia Design Week миналия юни, публикувано в августовския брой на сп. "Наш дом". Мисля, че би било интересно да се види каква е оценката му, какво предлага на организаторите за в бъдеще и какви са съветите му за младите дизайнери в България: And this is my inteview with K. Grcic included in the latest issue of  magazine Nash dom and its first new format - INTERIORS QUATERLY, which starts with a short history. 2011 is presented with my interview: Share


"Like movie directors, designers are the keepers of the vision and build the interdisciplinary teams that are needed to achieve it”

Paola Antonelli