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Missing Milan

This week we all had to be in Milan - designers, design journalists, producers, design enthusiasts. Like every year in April during Salone del Mobile. This year everything is different and I am sure we all miss the anual feast of creativity and vitality on the grounds of the Fiera and in the streets of Milan.
Many companies are doing their trubute to Milan with different activities, posts, on-line events.
I have started a series of articles in one of the Bulgarian on-line interior design magazines - More about the House - about what we are missing with the postponement of the Salone 2020, and also on my blog Trendoffice: What we missed with postponing Salone del Mobile.Milano 2020 - Part 1.
the International Press Conference for Salone 2020 held in the Aula Magna of the Catholic University of Milan
Mostly of the information is from my visit to the International Press Conference for Salone 2020 in February in Milan and the presentation for a large group of international design journalists where many of the largest Italian companies presented their new ideas and projects for Salone 2020.
This is the English version of my article:


The 59th edition of the world's most important design show - Salone del Mobile - was to be held in Milan this month. Instead of bringing together manufacturers, designers and design lovers from around the world, as every year in April, today Milan and all of us are focused on fighting a pandemic that has been unknown for centuries.
After one postponement of the June exhibition this year, in late March, the organizers announced its complete cancellation and scheduling of the 60th Anniversary Edition for April 2021.
 "Although we were determined to stick to the June date to allow the annual event to go according to plan, the current, unprecedented circumstances and medium-term uncertainty now mean that this year Salone del Mobile cannot be held.
The 2021 edition, which will mark Salone's sixtieth anniversary, will be a special event for the entire sector. For the first time, all biennial exhibitions will be held in conjunction with Salone Internazionale del Mobile: International Exhibition of Furniture Accessories, Workplace3.0, S.Project and SaloneSatellite. This means that EuroCucina, FTK (Kitchen Technologies) and the International Bath Exhibition will also be held next year, together with Euroluce, which is already scheduled for 2021.
This single, large trade fair for the entire sector will present a new opportunity to revitalize our business, the entire supply chain, which works in sync with Salone and Milan. "
Janeiro by LAGO - beautiful table with printed glass top, imitating marble and concrete base
But designers and furniture makers had prepared their new products for the interior, and not a small part of them was presented to us at a preliminary press conference in Milan on February 12th. Some of them have already been shown in my post A Look at Salone del Mobile 2020. 
It would be a pity not to see more of the new home design we miss with the cancellation of Salone 2020. That is why in a few publications I will present the most interesting of the new ones products, which was to be shown this month in Milan.
Fenix by LAGO - kitchen with special innovative scratch resistant material 
I start with the new Lago kitchens - as well as all the furniture of the company, the kitchens are modular and allow for full individualization - various combinations depending on the particular space and preferences are possible. Customers can also choose from a range of eco-friendly materials - metal, special coated glass, immitating copper, bronze, gold or beautiful colored designs for the cabinets themselves and for the work surfaces. They are all designed to meet the most pronounced trend at the moment - for a circular economy.
LAGO - kitchen with glass cabinet walls, imitating bronze
LAGO Materia cabinet with beautiful glass print
An interesting idea was shared during the presentation by Lago's marketing manager, Alessandro Cecon: the company plans to rent high-end furniture for homes, offices and hotels. He said the property model in Italy was "shifting" and that Lago was looking for a system that would allow customers to rent products. "Winning and negotiating dealers will be more difficult, but it is a move towards a more sustainable business model. The items will not be wasted so much and could find life among a set of owners. "
In addition, due to the special situation, the company introduces free telephone and video consulting for its clients with the company's designers. Consumers can plan their interiors with the support of LAGO professionals in just three simple steps. Using video calls and video chatting, users can benefit from a free consulting service and then all ideas can be created in one of the LAGO stores in Italy and around the world.
More and more manufacturers are introducing such services in Italy, and probably around the world, so that they can continue operating even under these unusual conditions. Interior design is becoming increasingly an online service - at least to a certain extent.

But before that we shall be able to enjoy the new design creations that were prepared for this year here, on-line.



"Like movie directors, designers are the keepers of the vision and build the interdisciplinary teams that are needed to achieve it”

Paola Antonelli

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