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"More is more" is the unspoken motto of this year's exhibition in Milan*

As any good creative will tell you, if you want to see what's next in the world of design, you have to start in Milan first. From a personal perspective, for each visitor Milan Design Week in April is an experience full of emotions, discoveries and inspirations, and for each designer and manufacturer, Salone del Mobile is a valuable opportunity to show the world their ideas and achievements. Salone del Mobile, furniture and interior design industry,s largest global event,  as well as Fuorisalone with the vast majority of events outside the boundaries of Rho Fiera, and Milan Design Week in general  has always acted as the annual showcase forming a compass for trends over the next 12 months, but also about the direction of design in the long term. During this week every year, visitors from all over the world are immersed in a sea of ​​presentations, products, collections, events, meetings, dinners and parties, and it is impossible to cover even half of all the novelties. But what mak

EuroCucina 2024 - novelties and trends*

Aran cucine  This April again Salone del Mobile confirmed its role as the most significant event in the field of interior design, but the focus was on EuroCucina/FTK Biennale, Kitchen Technologies and the International Bathroom Exhibition. Every second year, designers and manufacturers of kitchens and bathrooms from all over the world present their new products and visions for the development of the respective sectors and get the opportunity to build new business relationships and exchange ideas. Milan Design Week serves as a springboard for design trends that will resonate throughout the year. And this year was no exception - on the contrary, the organizers of the fair noted with satisfaction that it has regained its pre-pandemic level. Attendance increased by over 20% compared to 2023, and there were over 1,950 exhibitors from 35 countries. More than 100 brands from all over the world presented the latest ideas and technologies for one of the symbolic places of the home environment -

За тенденциите, модата и „мебелите със съзнателна душа“ *

Не е ли иронично, че всички медии, коментиращи тенденциите за новата година в интериора, говорят само за две неща – цвят на годината и (по-рядко) станалата вече задължителна устойчивост. Да, има много допирни точки с модата, където цветът е особено важен, но докато лесно можем да обнововяваме гардероба си ежегодно, то в интериора нещата не стоят така. Защото ако първото означава моден цвят конкретно за годината, то под устойчивост в дизайна вече все по-често се налага разбирането за дълготрайно качество , което ще продължи далеч отвъд модата – т.е. две донякъде взаимно-изключващи се тенденции.   По-интересно – и полезно – би било да разглеждаме тенденциите като посока за ориентация, защото, както се казва в една стара сентенция, „Т енденциите следват нашата посока на мислене, изразявайки настроението на настоящето и стила на бъдещето.“ А те се усещат най-добре от талантливите дизайнери, които демонстрират идеите си по време на големите международни изложения. Още в началото на

The New Office Designs - Trends*

 Not really offices exactly, but flexible spaces and products that move and change their place and function so that they can serve us better and  longer. Най-новото предложение за работно място, отговарящо на изискванията за присъствие на природата и използване на естествени и дълготрайни материали в обзавеждането на модерния офис – дизайн на работно място от известния японски дизайнер Naoto Fukasawa за KETTAL , представен на Панаира в Милано през април. Колекция A включва маси и елементи на столовете от естествено и тъмно дъбово дърво, а разделителите за бюро са от естествена ракита Business leaders around the world are redefining their workplace strategies to create flexible, technology-enabled and future-oriented workplaces. The office as we knew it has changed dramatically.  Cache atelier офис пространство за Alumina Elit  Digitalization and the pandemic have revealed new challenges, but also new opportunities: physical presence is no longer necessary to be part of the team and b

EUROLUCE - Light for a better life*

 One of the main highlights of this year's edition of the world's largest design exhibition, Salone del Mobile , was the return of Euroluce - the biennial dedicated to lighting - after a four-year hiatus. For its 31st edition, Euroluce presented the works of 315 exhibitors (almost half of which from outside Italy) on an area of more than 29,200 m2 and with a new exhibition design designed by Lombardini22. Italamp - PIOLA, design Danilo De Rossi, photo Temenouzhka Zaharieva Art and functionality were beautifully mixed at Euroluce 2023 (as can be seen for example in the photo above – a beautiful way to separate space with the help of light). Innovative projects were presented with a focus on lighting that improves the well-being of people and the environment. From reducing energy consumption to systems that stimulate plant growth: inventions that reflect two of the main themes proposed by Euroluce 2023, smart lighting and human-centric lighting. “Electronics, multimedia and comp

Design and innovation on the Milan scale*

  Moooi - Knitty Lounge Chair, design Nika Zupanc What do you get when you gather the world's most innovative designers, architects and creatives in one place? The answer is Salone del Mobile. Here are the main trends presented at the exhibition in Milan this year. Of course, first is the inevitable topic of sustainability, but no longer just formally, like "correct" speaking, but with real examples that do not compromise with aesthetics. Reuse, regeneration, circularity and energy saving are at the heart of the event, but attention is also paid to the sources of materials, new installations that can be dismantled and reused, innovative production methods and products designed with a circular approach. And durability of products: “The word sustainability is often overused and inappropriate. As designers, we have to work hard to produce objects and products that will really stand the test of time," says designer Piero Lissoni, explaining that rather durability and the

Inspiration from Milan - New designs and Trends from Salone del Mobile 2023*

The annual exhibition in Milan is eagerly awaited by everyone – design professionals, journalists who follow the latest trends in furniture and interior design in general, and many people who are simply looking for inspiration for their own home. And the recently completed 61st edition of Salone del Mobile has successfully completed this task. We saw a lot of interesting new products, real solutions for a greener lifestyle and production, as well as the magic of Euroluce – the biannual lighting exhibition within the fair. photo @Temenouzhka Zaharieva Sustainability and the circular economy were once again the main themes for the Salone del Mobile Milano, the annual furniture exhibition, as well as the Fuorisalone, the many galleries, installations and events throughout the city. According to the festival's press release, there were 307,418 registered participants, 550 young designers from 31 countries and 28 design schools and universities from 18 countries. There was a 15% incr


"Like movie directors, designers are the keepers of the vision and build the interdisciplinary teams that are needed to achieve it”

Paola Antonelli